If you are wanting to master CNC work and start doing some smaller woodworking with a CNC router, then this mini CNC needs to be near the top of your list.

You’ll notice right away that it is nowhere near as durable as some of the more expensive models. However, it has all of the important features you need to begin doing some light milling.

This little CNC router runs on GRBL, which is an open software that controls how machines move. It was based on a Gcode that was being used on Arduino boards. The standardization of this open-source code makes it flexible for hobbyists to get cheap access to high-end software.

The good news is that there are countless forums devoted to working with GRBL, and it is pretty easy to pick up. Highschoolers are mastering it and running their first programs in a day or two. The downside is that it requires a little more nerdiness to debug problems that you might run into.

Most people will use other computing software such as Fusion 360 or Lightburn to generate the designs. Then, you can either load the design into the attached pendant or unplug the pendant and run it directly from your computer.

This little CNC router is ideal for soft materials with the included stepper motor-head. It’s going to work more slowly (the motor only produces 0.25N/M of torque), but it can engrave plastic, wood, acrylic, PVC, and wood. You can also purchase a laser engraver head to attach for more flexible.

Think of the 3018-PRO as a learning tool. You have to be careful not to exceed limits with it, and to set it to work slowly. As long as you are patient (and kind to it), you’ll get a lot of fun out of the tool and while making cool crafts and learning some high dollar skills.

It’s the next step of up from a DIY CNC Router Kit in ease of use. However, Router kits can be the best way to get the most power for the money.


  • Good Educational Tool
  • Spare parts included
  • Affordable Entry into CNC
  • Skills you learn with this tool transfers to bigger tools.


  • Small Size and motor limit the crafting abilities and its speed